Content writer,I am a tech enthusiates,ever learning and growing my knowledge.  Sep 13, 2023

Relevant skills every African tech enthusiates could acquire.

 Technical skills are the specialized knowledge and expertise required to perform specific tasks and use specific tools and programs in real world situations. Diverse technical skills are required in just about every field and industry, from IT and business administration to health care and education. 

25 Relevant tech skills in todays world.  

1.Audio production
2.Industrial design
3.Cyber security
4.Artificial intelligence
5.Cloud computing
6.Software engineering
7.Software development
8.Project management
9.UI/UX design
10.Data analytics
11.Data science
12. Programming
13.Computer graphics
14.Digital marketing
16.Mobile development
17. Virtualization
18.Business analysis
19.People Management
20. Technical writing
21. Block chain
22.Quantum computing
23. Robotics
24.Video production
25.Game development  

   Having a tech skill is critical at the level of civilization the world is at,young africans are encouraged to learn a tech skill as this will keep them relevant in this fast changing generation (Genz).

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Lilian Larry

In a world grappling with feeding a growing population and climate change, agro-tech startups offer hope, using technology to transform farming globally.

Driven by passion for sustainability, GreenTech Farms in Seattle optimizes crop yields with AI and data analytics, empowering farmers worldwide.

From Fresno to Lagos, startups like Farm Tech Solutions and Farmcrowdy bring innovation to farmers' doorsteps, revolutionizing agriculture.

Agro-tech isn't just about technology; it's about people like Maria in Kenya, whose income soared with FarmConnect, securing her family's future.

Drones and robotic harvesters are the silent guardians of our food system, ensuring no crop goes unmonitored.

Companies like EcoGrow and AgriSolar promote regenerative farming, honoring the land for future generations.

Investment in agro-tech reflects belief in innovation and human resilience, shaping a future where abundance flourishes for all.

As we embark on this journey, let's remember the human faces behind the technology—the dreamers, innovators, and farmers—who sow the seeds of progress for a brighter tomorrow.

For more insights, visit: [Agro-tech Startups and Innovation](



Feb 29, 2024

Ishimwe Deborah

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Feb 23, 2024

wapmastazone Tech Ingenuity

The Art of Writing Blog Post For SEO

How do you write a blog post for SEO? blogging allows you to reach different users across the world. However, the sheer volume of content on the web means that your blog post can easily get lost in the noise. This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is useful.

SEO is the practice of optimizing your content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). When done right, it can drive organic (non-paid) traffic to your blog, increase your visibility, and ultimately help you achieve your blogging goals.

Also read: 13 Key Indications that your SEO Strategy is Successful

The Basics of SEO

Before I go into the details of writing SEO-friendly blog posts, I will walk you through some of the fundamental concepts of SEO. SEO can be categorized into different types: on-page SEO, off-page SEO, technical SEO, and local SEO.

1. On-Page SEO:

This refers to the optimization you do directly on your blog post or webpage. It includes elements like keyword usage, content quality, headings, meta tags, and internal linking.

2. Off-Page SEO:

This involves optimizing factors that are external to your blog post, such as backlinks from other websites, social signals, and


The logistics industry in Nigeria is undergoing a major transformation, thanks to the increasing adoption of technology. In the past, logistics was a relatively manual process, with businesses relying on paper records and offline systems to track shipments. However, the rise of digital technology is changing all that.

Benefits of using technology in logistics

The use of technology in the logistics industry is likely to continue to grow in Nigeria. And as technology continues to develop, we will see even more innovation in the logistics industry. This will lead to more efficient, transparent, and accessible logistics services.  Here are some of the benefits of using technology in logistics:

  • Real-time tracking: With real-time tracking, businesses can see exactly where their packages are at all times. This information can be used to optimize delivery routes and ensure that shipments arrive on time. Logistics companies can save time and money by using technology to track deliveries and optimize routes. Real-time technology is making logistics more transparent by allowing customers to track their deliveries in real-time. This gives customers peace of mind, knowing where their goods are and when they will arrive
  • Automated data entry: Automated data entry systems can help reduce errors and improve the speed of data processing. This can free up staff to focus on other tasks, such as customer service.
  • Cloud-based logistics software: Cloud-based logistics software allows businesses to access their logistics data anywhere. This can be helpful for businesses with multiple locations or those needing to collaborate with partners.
  • Mobile apps: Technology is making logistics more accessible. By using mobile apps, logistics companies can reach a wider range of customers. Also, these mobile apps make it easier for businesses to manage logistics operations and can be used to track deliveries and communicate with customers.

How Kwik Pik is Using Technology to Deliver a Disruptive Logistics Experience

The logistics industry is ripe for disruption. Traditional logistics providers are often slow, inefficient, and expensive. This is where Kwik Pik comes in. Kwik Pik is a technology-enabled logistics company that is disrupting the market by offering a faster, more efficient, and more affordable delivery experience.

One such company is Kwik Pik Logistics. Kwik Pik is a delivery service company that uses a mobile app to connect customers with drivers. The app allows customers to track their deliveries in real time and provides drivers with information about the best routes to take. This has made Kwik Pik a popular choice for businesses and individuals who need to send or receive deliveries in Lagos and nearby states.

Kwik Pik is using many technologies to disrupt the logistics market in Nigeria. These technologies include:

  • The customers are provided with a mobile application that enables them to monitor their deliveries in real time. The application is conveniently accessible for both iPhone and Android users through the App Store and Google Play Store. Additionally, individuals have the option to register as riders for the service.
  • A GPS tracking system that helps drivers find the best routes to take.
  • A system that uses artificial intelligence to optimize delivery routes.

These technologies have helped Kwik Pik improve its efficiency and transparency. As a result, Kwik Pik has been able to attract a large number of customers. In addition, the use of technology has helped Kwik Pik expand its reach into new markets.


The use of technology is having a significant impact on the logistics industry in Nigeria. This is leading to the emergence of new logistics companies that are using technology to disrupt the market. Kwik Pik is one such company that is using technology to improve efficiency, transparency, and accessibility. As the logistics industry continues to grow in Nigeria, Kwik Pik is well-positioned to benefit from this growth. However, technology is having a significant impact on the way logistics services are delivered. As technology continues to develop, we will likely see even more innovation in the logistics industry in Nigeria.

Jul 11, 2023

Chioma Okeke

   E-commerce has changed the business world into  a digital market.which has been achieved through technological advancements,and increase in small capital start up Businesses.

   There is need therefore a break down of simplified and precise measure to take so as to start up an online business or store

1.Choose what to sell

     this is usually the most difficult task to achieve in starting an online business, because, now there is need to decide by considering several factors,which could include the availability of the product,the desirability of the product e.t.c and this could be a very herculean task.

 2.Evaluate the sellability of your product

    who are the targeted audience for your products and how much are they willing to buy,and at what rate are they buying.its is important that we decide the desirability of the product you want to sell,so as no to invest your capital in products that will stagnate your capital.

3.Availability of the product

   How fast and how easily accessible are your products,don't sell a product that you are not sure where to restock from when you run out of products,and also don't sell products that's their raw materials are relatively scarce.tbis could be detrimental if not thoroughly considered.

4.Thoroughly study your competitors

    Here the SWOT analysis could be very strategic to execute this,so as to have a competitive advantage and not be thrown out of business by your competitors.

 this also helps you to differentiate your business from your competitors business and amplify to your audience the benefits of your own brand overs theirs.

5.Write a business plan


     A business plan helps you bring your ideas together,so as to present your business in a much more organized arranges priorities of a business, highlights the mission of the business,thereby showing potential investors and employees the core values of your brand.

6.Choose a business name and logo

   this is aimed at helping you give your brand it's own distinct identity,and also make it easier for your customers to identify and locate your own brand with complications.

   An online business or store can be very easy and yet complicated to start if the right measures are not taken,so build your brand through these precise and yet simplified ways.

Jun 1, 2023

Chioma Okeke

            The tech ecosystem in Africa is proof that there will continue to be a growing population of software developers coming out of Africa. Since the start of the covid-19 pandemic, the world has leaned toward remote, hybrid work, which enables African talent to be considered globally. Further, with the development of new technologies and software not slowing down anytime soon – as more countries are adopting technology and innovating faster – African developers are an attractive asset for remote teams.

 *Cost effective

While the global average for software developers ranges between USD 80,000 - 120,000, senior developers in Africa are seeing an increase in their income from USD 11,000 - 55,500 on average. The global salary range for junior developers is around USD 65,000 - 91,000, compared to junior software developers from Africa who earn much less – especially considering they mostly work remotely,also there is no office space cost since they work remotely.

*Diversity in teams

 having a team located across the globe improves your product and service and opens your eyes to different perspectives.therefore employers hire developers from across the globe to gain ground and also have a rigid stand in the global tech world.

*Creating employment

When tech companies hire from Africa it helps to pull help to increase employment and development in that many African tech talents who have been hired by foreign tech companies have gain personal development and exposure,and this could help them bring more development to their areas and regions.

*Contributing to local development

hiring of African talents will help improve the quality of talent and equip them for global relevance.International companies can contribute to local development by hiring developers from those areas.

*Language and communication

Many African countries either speak English or French, therefore it bridges the gap in communication problem as many international companies are also  English and French countries.this majorly increases the number of tech talents hired from African countries globally.

*Technology adoption and solving the global IT talent shortage

the tech industries globally has been growing and a lot of new tech companies are still springing up , therefore more developers are needed to fill those new roles as new tech Start ups are still being founded,and Africa has a very large population and tech developers are also increasingly rising from africa.thereby drawing the attention of foreign tech companies.


  Most developers are resilient, and you begin to understand how resilient they are when you hire software developers from Africa. Not only have they been able to overcome barriers frequently experienced in Africa, like infrastructure issues, but they have also trained themselves to become world-class communicators and software developers. This makes them independent, agile, and self-motivated, which is a great advantage to employers. 

May 29, 2023

Chioma Okeke

        Knowing that there has been a recent tech awakening across Africa and that youths are more heavily invested in this change,the global economy has felt the impact of African tech personnels, through it's contributions to the tech world.

    *. Africa's high population

This has  been a major factor that has contributed to the impact of Africa's Tech Talent to the global economy, because Africa has a high population,and there has been an awakening in  tech, thereby leading to many Africans going into the tech world.

    *The increase in new tech players in Africa

The massive increase in the growth of tech players from Africa has contributed to the boost on the economy.

     this has also attracted the attention of international companies and venture capitalists (Vcs)to the region to hire tech talents to work in these international companies,and also helped in the funding of tech ideas in the African region.

     *African developers are resilient

Africans are resilient in their pursuit, therefore they tend to learn fast and adapt to any environment they find themselves.this has be confirmed by many international organizations that have African talents in their team.

  *Overcoming obstacles

Tech Talents in Africa have overcome infrastructural challenges to become visible in the global tech stage,these has made their efforts visible in the economy.

Africans train themselves to become world class communicators and software developers.they are independent,agile and self motivated.


As Africa continues to be a major destination for tech investors, with the volume of venture capital flowing into the continent tripling over the past years, software developer openings continue to grow. Tech companies are setting up new offices across Africa and hiring local software developers to fill the available tech roles,Not only does this expansion create more jobs, but it also impacts the economy – both on a local and global scale.  It will be interesting to see the impact African software developers continue to have on the global economy in the coming years.

May 21, 2023

Faith Atabo

A lot of Folks these days are transitioning into the tech industry, it seams like a trend .

While transitioning into tech offers you a vast amount of opportunities, it's important for you to know what you are getting into before you start your Journey

Here Are A Few Things You Can Learn From My Own Journey

1. Be Prepared Not To Give Up : Every Industry has its own perculiar challenge. The tech industry can be  even  more challenging for you coming from a "non-tech background " But you must understand that "nothing good grows in a comfortable environment" I heard that statement from Mrs Confidence Staveley, CEO, Cyber Safe Foundation. It did not mean much to me until I started the 7 month intensive course in March. The tech industry is not an easy one , so you must come prepared not to "chicken out"

2. Ask A Lot Of Questions: Google and YouTube should be your biggest allies. Find people who know more than you do and ask them the right questions so you won't lose your way ..

3.Be Involved In A Community Of Like Minds: This is of utmost  importance and will make  your journey a lot easier . Being in a community has helped me immensely. It's part of the reason why I am enjoying my cybersecurity journey. The support  and encouragement you get from such communities will contribute to your success in the industry


May 9, 2023

Chioma Okeke

        Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. Specific applications of AI include expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition and machine vision.

            The technology handles tasks at a pace and scale that humans can't match. At the same time, by removing such tasks from human workers' responsibilities, AI allows those workers to move to higher-value tasks that technology can't do. 

          Businesses in Africa,can become  Leading AI experts and  expound on areas where artificial intelligence technologies can improve their business operations and services.

       These areas could includes the following and more;

1. AI Technology Enhances Productivity

When you reduce tasks from your employees’ to-do list, they are likely to focus on excellence in what they do.

With AI technology, you will not have to pile a lot of work for your employees to handle since AI will do the most work. This allows your workforce to do what they are best in, thus boosting productivity.

If your business involves constant communication with customers throughout the day, AI will offer real-time assistance. For example, in the travel industry, which has millions of thousands of passengers every day, AI can pass important travel information to passengers.

2. Enhancing Smart and accurate decision making

  In the modern economy, data is an invaluable resource in any business. However, if you cannot make any sense of it, your business data will be useless.

AI machines are efficient at quick data processing to generate relevant answers to any question arising in the business. They offer accurate predictions, and customers’ needs based on what they learn.

No human will be fast and yet perfect, as the AI technology in predictive analytics.

3. Improving Customer Experience

AI-driven chatbots allow businesses to provide customer care services 24/7. AI has enabled companies to automate communications through emails, online chats, and even telephone calls.

The good thing with AI is that they can interact with many customers simultaneously and respond to their questions effectively on websites or apps.

4.Reducing Errors

While artificial intelligence is not error-free, it is by far more accurate than human beings.

Mostly, the AI technology accuracy ranges from 99 to 100 percent, even for very urbane systems.

In any company, the most time-consuming process yet prone to human error is cash flow forecasting. AI technology can help in increasing accuracy in forecasting cash flow without manual interference. This gives the business a higher chance of achieving success.

Artificial intelligence is one of the most incredible techs that will transform lives in almost all facets of modern society.

This technology provides significant development opportunities that many businesses and companies have already been fast to grab.

      In conclusion,As businesses continue to deploy artificial intelligence technologies within their operations, they are starting to reap tangible benefits, including material gains.

        It is also pertinent to ensure that even as African businesses should want to adapt to the use of AI technologies,it is also important to carefully consider the potential ethical and social implications of AI and ensure that its development and deployment are done in a responsible manner.

May 8, 2023