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4 Reasons Why Cyber Security Is Crucial In Africa
I'm a Content Creator.  Mar 4, 2023
4 Reasons Why Cyber Security Is Crucial In Africa

Anyone who uses the internet needs to be aware of the importance of cyber security. While some rural areas still lack internet connectivity, the number of people who have it is rising daily. The world is changing quickly, and everything is moving quickly online. Even the physical market is being gradually supplanted by online marketplaces, as documents that were once kept in file cabinets are now saved on Google Drive, mail that was once delivered by the postman is now just a simple message on WhatsApp, and so on. Because of its sustainable solutions, technology is resolving an increasing number of human issues. While technology does help with some issues, it also comes with its own set of disadvantages. Before when information was kept in filing cabinets, it was exceedingly difficult to leak or steal it; however, hackers can take data with the press of a button. Cybercriminals are becoming a threat not just to Africa but to the entire world.

Hackers have recently stolen billions of dollars, and as a result, numerous businesses are stepping up their efforts to keep us safe when using the internet.
In order to stop the actions of a notorious hacker, the security team at Huobi, a cryptocurrency exchange, collaborated with the security team at cryptocurrency behemoth Binance in January of this year. Huobi had a security breach, according to Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao's Twitter post. According to him, the hacker had attempted to hack Binance in the past, but his accounts had been frozen. This time, the viper was defeated by the security team at Binance working with Huobi, and 124 bitcoins were successfully recovered. The Harmony One hacker, according to the crypto billionaire, was responsible for this attack. 

Such triumphs, despite their success, are uncommon. Some well-known people's Twitter accounts were hacked in 2020 with false get rich quick Bitcoin tweets. Former President Barack Obama and Tesla CEO Elon Musk were among the victims. In order to double their followers' money, hackers sent out phony tweets from these accounts, claiming things such as "I am giving back to my community due to COVID-19!" and urging people to transfer Bitcoin to an anonymous website. Elliptic reports that the scammers made over $121,000 from over 400 Bitcoin payments. Occurrences like these show just how unsafe it can be if cyber criminals rule the day. As the rate of such scams is greatly increasing, it is important for us to understand why cyber security is crucial in Africa.

4 Reasons Why Cyber Security Is Crucial In Africa

• Since important data leaks can be utilized by terrorists or foreign governments to wreak havoc, cybercrime poses a threat to national security.

• Because of how dependent we are becoming on the internet, cyber security precautions must be taken to protect our data.

• Cybercrime has an economic impact on Africa. As was evident during the FTX attack, many cryptocurrency enthusiasts worldwide lost a significant amount of money.

• Because cybercrime is becoming more popular among younger generations and the rate of hacks on the continent is higher than the rate globally, Africa has been dubbed the most cyber attacked continent .

In other words, cybercrime is a field that focuses on protecting all important online data. It is crucial because if we don't take action, all we've ever achieved could vanish in an instant. I can only speak from my own experience.

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Lilian Larry

In a world grappling with feeding a growing population and climate change, agro-tech startups offer hope, using technology to transform farming globally.

Driven by passion for sustainability, GreenTech Farms in Seattle optimizes crop yields with AI and data analytics, empowering farmers worldwide.

From Fresno to Lagos, startups like Farm Tech Solutions and Farmcrowdy bring innovation to farmers' doorsteps, revolutionizing agriculture.

Agro-tech isn't just about technology; it's about people like Maria in Kenya, whose income soared with FarmConnect, securing her family's future.

Drones and robotic harvesters are the silent guardians of our food system, ensuring no crop goes unmonitored.

Companies like EcoGrow and AgriSolar promote regenerative farming, honoring the land for future generations.

Investment in agro-tech reflects belief in innovation and human resilience, shaping a future where abundance flourishes for all.

As we embark on this journey, let's remember the human faces behind the technology—the dreamers, innovators, and farmers—who sow the seeds of progress for a brighter tomorrow.

For more insights, visit: [Agro-tech Startups and Innovation](https://medium.com/@larrylilian/agro-tech-startups-and-innovation-2acd8f0ae2c3)



Feb 29, 2024

Ishimwe Deborah

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Feb 23, 2024

wapmastazone Tech Ingenuity

The Art of Writing Blog Post For SEO

How do you write a blog post for SEO? blogging allows you to reach different users across the world. However, the sheer volume of content on the web means that your blog post can easily get lost in the noise. This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is useful.

SEO is the practice of optimizing your content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). When done right, it can drive organic (non-paid) traffic to your blog, increase your visibility, and ultimately help you achieve your blogging goals.

Also read: 13 Key Indications that your SEO Strategy is Successful

The Basics of SEO

Before I go into the details of writing SEO-friendly blog posts, I will walk you through some of the fundamental concepts of SEO. SEO can be categorized into different types: on-page SEO, off-page SEO, technical SEO, and local SEO.

1. On-Page SEO:

This refers to the optimization you do directly on your blog post or webpage. It includes elements like keyword usage, content quality, headings, meta tags, and internal linking.

2. Off-Page SEO:

This involves optimizing factors that are external to your blog post, such as backlinks from other websites, social signals, and


The logistics industry in Nigeria is undergoing a major transformation, thanks to the increasing adoption of technology. In the past, logistics was a relatively manual process, with businesses relying on paper records and offline systems to track shipments. However, the rise of digital technology is changing all that.

Benefits of using technology in logistics

The use of technology in the logistics industry is likely to continue to grow in Nigeria. And as technology continues to develop, we will see even more innovation in the logistics industry. This will lead to more efficient, transparent, and accessible logistics services.  Here are some of the benefits of using technology in logistics:

  • Real-time tracking: With real-time tracking, businesses can see exactly where their packages are at all times. This information can be used to optimize delivery routes and ensure that shipments arrive on time. Logistics companies can save time and money by using technology to track deliveries and optimize routes. Real-time technology is making logistics more transparent by allowing customers to track their deliveries in real-time. This gives customers peace of mind, knowing where their goods are and when they will arrive
  • Automated data entry: Automated data entry systems can help reduce errors and improve the speed of data processing. This can free up staff to focus on other tasks, such as customer service.
  • Cloud-based logistics software: Cloud-based logistics software allows businesses to access their logistics data anywhere. This can be helpful for businesses with multiple locations or those needing to collaborate with partners.
  • Mobile apps: Technology is making logistics more accessible. By using mobile apps, logistics companies can reach a wider range of customers. Also, these mobile apps make it easier for businesses to manage logistics operations and can be used to track deliveries and communicate with customers.

How Kwik Pik is Using Technology to Deliver a Disruptive Logistics Experience

The logistics industry is ripe for disruption. Traditional logistics providers are often slow, inefficient, and expensive. This is where Kwik Pik comes in. Kwik Pik is a technology-enabled logistics company that is disrupting the market by offering a faster, more efficient, and more affordable delivery experience.

One such company is Kwik Pik Logistics. Kwik Pik is a delivery service company that uses a mobile app to connect customers with drivers. The app allows customers to track their deliveries in real time and provides drivers with information about the best routes to take. This has made Kwik Pik a popular choice for businesses and individuals who need to send or receive deliveries in Lagos and nearby states.

Kwik Pik is using many technologies to disrupt the logistics market in Nigeria. These technologies include:

  • The customers are provided with a mobile application that enables them to monitor their deliveries in real time. The application is conveniently accessible for both iPhone and Android users through the App Store and Google Play Store. Additionally, individuals have the option to register as riders for the service.
  • A GPS tracking system that helps drivers find the best routes to take.
  • A system that uses artificial intelligence to optimize delivery routes.

These technologies have helped Kwik Pik improve its efficiency and transparency. As a result, Kwik Pik has been able to attract a large number of customers. In addition, the use of technology has helped Kwik Pik expand its reach into new markets.


The use of technology is having a significant impact on the logistics industry in Nigeria. This is leading to the emergence of new logistics companies that are using technology to disrupt the market. Kwik Pik is one such company that is using technology to improve efficiency, transparency, and accessibility. As the logistics industry continues to grow in Nigeria, Kwik Pik is well-positioned to benefit from this growth. However, technology is having a significant impact on the way logistics services are delivered. As technology continues to develop, we will likely see even more innovation in the logistics industry in Nigeria.

Jul 11, 2023

Chioma Okeke

Cyberattacks put your money, data, and IT equipment at risk. If a hacker gains access to your network, they can inflict significant damage with what they find.

      It's important to protect your business from cyberattacks, but with the cyber landscape evolving all the time, it can be daunting to know where to start. Here’s a guide to help small businesses navigate the world of cyber threats.

1:Secure Your wifi-networks

Businesses can protect their Wi-Fi network from breaches by hackers by changing the name of their wireless access point or router, also known as the Service Set Identifier (SSID). They can use a complex Pre-shared Key (PSK) passphrase for additional security.

2:Guard against physical theft

While businesses need to be mindful of hackers trying to breach your network, they mustn't forget that  hardware can be stolen too. Unauthorized individuals should be prevented from gaining access to business devices such as laptops, PCs, scanners, and so on. This may include physically securing the device or adding a physical tracker to recover the device in case of loss or theft. Ensure all employees understand the importance of any data that might be stored on their cell phones or laptops when out and about.

3: Ensure third parties who deal with your Business are also secured.

Be wary of other businesses such as partners or suppliers who may be granted access to your systems. Make sure they are following similar practices to you. Don’t be afraid to check before you grant access to anybody.

4: Training Employees.

Invest in cyber security trainings for the employees,for instance they can be educated with the importance of strong password and how to spot phishing emails.And also educate  them on the different types of cyber attacks and how to avoid and navigate them.

5: Deploy Anti-virus software.

Choose softwares that can protect business devices from viruses.keep antivirus updated to avoid latest cyber threats.

Businesses can also employ the service of cyber security experts to help the business remain secured.

6:Back up business files regularly.

When you cyber attacks occur,files and data can be compromised or lost/deleted.But if the business has been current in backing up it's files and data it might avoid the end of the business due to loss of important files or data .

Also choose a program that gives you the ability to schedule or automate the backup progress.

7:Limit access to sensitive data.

Restrict the number  of people in a business  environment with access to critical data to a minimum.so as to avoid the impact of bad faith actors in the business.set up strategies that will help assign important task to individuals or groups that are identifiable and can be held responsible and accountable.

    Cyber threats aren't just a problem for big corporations and governments – small businesses can be targets too. In fact, there is evidence that small businesses are more vulnerable to cyberattacks, not least because they sometimes lack the resources to protect themselves effectively.

Jun 17, 2023

Josh Strong

Cryptocurrency adoption has continued to ride and thrive like a moving train, despite the hurdles that have stood in front of the industry. On a continent that was once believed to be an ancient relic of a primitive time, cryptocurrency has turned out to be of great interest to young Africans. In Nigeria, for instance, there are different perceptions of the industry. Some believe anything that has cryptocurrency in it is a scam, while others believe it is simply a get-rich-quick scheme. Thanks to various organizations and companies that have dedicated their time to organizing events to cure myopia among the African populace, we are getting a better idea of what the industry really is about. Before we get into the topic of the day, let's know what cryptocurrency wallets are.

What Are Cryptocurrency Wallets?

Cryptocurrency wallets are digital wallets used to store digital assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum securely. According to the Coinbase website, "crypto wallets keep your private keys—the passwords that give you access to your cryptocurrencies—safe and accessible, allowing you to send and receive cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. They come in many forms, from hardware wallets like Ledger (which looks like a USB stick) to mobile apps like Coinbase Wallet, which makes using crypto as easy as shopping with a credit card online."

 Cryptocurrency wallets are not like traditional wallets. Unlike a physical wallet that can be stolen or lost, a crypto wallet is a digital asset that can be easily accessed by hackers if not secured properly. They are computer or mobile software programs that employ an internet connection to connect to the blockchain network of the cryptocurrency you're making use of. Cryptocurrencies aren't just kept anywhere. They are pieces of data saved in an organized database or ledger. These pieces of information are dispersed throughout the database; nevertheless, the wallet locates all the pieces connected to your public address and adds up the total for you via the app's UI.

Using these applications, sending and receiving cryptocurrency is incredibly simple. Several options are available for sending and receiving cryptocurrency from your wallet. The standard procedure is to enter the wallet address of the receiver, select an amount to transfer, sign the transaction using your private key, add funds to cover the transaction fee, and send it.

There are two types of wallets, custodial wallets and non-custodial wallets. Custodial wallets are hosted by a third party, which might be a company that offers high-level data security technologies used by companies to protect and safeguard their data. Some crypto exchanges offer these services to their customers. Non-custodial wallets are wallets where you are responsible for securing your keys. This is the type of wallet that most cryptocurrency wallets on devices use. There are also two categories of wallets: hot and cold. A hot wallet is one that has an internet connection, while a cold wallet does not.

Now that we have basic knowledge of what crypto wallets are, let's explore some of the best practices to keep your wallet safe.
1. Choose a Reputable Wallet Provider: The first step in securing your cryptocurrency wallet is to choose a reputable wallet provider. Do thorough research before selecting one, and find out which providers have a strong history of safe operations. Some popular wallet providers to consider include Trust Wallet, Ledger, Trezor, and MyEtherWallet, while you could also consider saving your funds with crypto exchanges like CoinW and Binance.
2. Use Two-Factor Authentication: Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your wallet. It requires you to enter a code generated by an app or sent to your phone before accessing your wallet. This can help protect your wallet against hacking attempts.
3. Keep Your Private Keys Safe: Your private key is like the password to your cryptocurrency wallet. If someone gets hold of it, they can easily access your funds. Never share or store your private key online. Instead, store it on an offline device like a hardware wallet or a paper wallet.
4. Use a Strong Password: A strong password should be complex and contain a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Avoid using easy-to-guess passwords like your name or birthdate. Change your password regularly and do not use it on any other online accounts.
5. Keep Your Wallet Software Up-To-Date: Keeping your wallet software up-to-date is important because it ensures that any security loopholes are fixed. Developers often release updates to address any vulnerabilities identified in the previous version.
6. Backup Your Wallet Regularly: If you lose access to your wallet or forget your password, a backup can save you. It is important to store backups of your wallet on other devices in case your primary device is damaged or lost.
7. Be Cautious of Phishing Scams: Phishing scams are common in the cryptocurrency space. Fraudsters often send fake emails and messages asking for your private keys or other sensitive information. Always verify the authenticity of any email or message before responding.
In conclusion, securing your cryptocurrency wallet requires a bit of effort, but it is worth it to protect your assets. By following the best practices outlined above, you can help keep your crypto wallet safe from hackers and other types of security breaches.

Jun 15, 2023

Chioma Okeke

   E-commerce has changed the business world into  a digital market.which has been achieved through technological advancements,and increase in small capital start up Businesses.

   There is need therefore a break down of simplified and precise measure to take so as to start up an online business or store

1.Choose what to sell

     this is usually the most difficult task to achieve in starting an online business, because, now there is need to decide by considering several factors,which could include the availability of the product,the desirability of the product e.t.c and this could be a very herculean task.

 2.Evaluate the sellability of your product

    who are the targeted audience for your products and how much are they willing to buy,and at what rate are they buying.its is important that we decide the desirability of the product you want to sell,so as no to invest your capital in products that will stagnate your capital.

3.Availability of the product

   How fast and how easily accessible are your products,don't sell a product that you are not sure where to restock from when you run out of products,and also don't sell products that's their raw materials are relatively scarce.tbis could be detrimental if not thoroughly considered.

4.Thoroughly study your competitors

    Here the SWOT analysis could be very strategic to execute this,so as to have a competitive advantage and not be thrown out of business by your competitors.

 this also helps you to differentiate your business from your competitors business and amplify to your audience the benefits of your own brand overs theirs.

5.Write a business plan


     A business plan helps you bring your ideas together,so as to present your business in a much more organized form.it arranges priorities of a business, highlights the mission of the business,thereby showing potential investors and employees the core values of your brand.

6.Choose a business name and logo

   this is aimed at helping you give your brand it's own distinct identity,and also make it easier for your customers to identify and locate your own brand with complications.

   An online business or store can be very easy and yet complicated to start if the right measures are not taken,so build your brand through these precise and yet simplified ways.

Jun 1, 2023

Chioma Okeke

            The tech ecosystem in Africa is proof that there will continue to be a growing population of software developers coming out of Africa. Since the start of the covid-19 pandemic, the world has leaned toward remote, hybrid work, which enables African talent to be considered globally. Further, with the development of new technologies and software not slowing down anytime soon – as more countries are adopting technology and innovating faster – African developers are an attractive asset for remote teams.

 *Cost effective

While the global average for software developers ranges between USD 80,000 - 120,000, senior developers in Africa are seeing an increase in their income from USD 11,000 - 55,500 on average. The global salary range for junior developers is around USD 65,000 - 91,000, compared to junior software developers from Africa who earn much less – especially considering they mostly work remotely,also there is no office space cost since they work remotely.

*Diversity in teams

 having a team located across the globe improves your product and service and opens your eyes to different perspectives.therefore employers hire developers from across the globe to gain ground and also have a rigid stand in the global tech world.

*Creating employment

When tech companies hire from Africa it helps to pull help to increase employment and development in that area.so many African tech talents who have been hired by foreign tech companies have gain personal development and exposure,and this could help them bring more development to their areas and regions.

*Contributing to local development

hiring of African talents will help improve the quality of talent and equip them for global relevance.International companies can contribute to local development by hiring developers from those areas.

*Language and communication

Many African countries either speak English or French, therefore it bridges the gap in communication problem as many international companies are also  English and French countries.this majorly increases the number of tech talents hired from African countries globally.

*Technology adoption and solving the global IT talent shortage

the tech industries globally has been growing and a lot of new tech companies are still springing up , therefore more developers are needed to fill those new roles as new tech Start ups are still being founded,and Africa has a very large population and tech developers are also increasingly rising from africa.thereby drawing the attention of foreign tech companies.


  Most developers are resilient, and you begin to understand how resilient they are when you hire software developers from Africa. Not only have they been able to overcome barriers frequently experienced in Africa, like infrastructure issues, but they have also trained themselves to become world-class communicators and software developers. This makes them independent, agile, and self-motivated, which is a great advantage to employers. 

May 29, 2023