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Content writer,I am a tech enthusiates,ever learning and growing my knowledge.  Mar 14, 2023

      The evolution of commerce in Africa has come a long way from the era of trade by barter, which was simple but had numerous shortcomings, such as the indivisibility of goods and double coincidence of wants. The introduction of money took care of these shortcomings but also came with its own challenges as transactions still happened in the physical world with the added risks of loss and theft.

 Running a business is difficult, and doing business in Africa is even more difficult, so the era also saw a plethora of failed e-commerce attempts,at the time e-commerce was introduced into the continent.

      Many were convinced that e-commerce couldn't stand a chance in most African countries as most of them were still underdeveloped.

       They had to deal with the reality of a small addressable middle-class market, a lack of functional addressing systems, poor road networks, a general preference for cash payments, the lack of payment rails and logistics networks, worries about fake products, and escalating security concerns, an uphill battle African e-commerce companies are still fighting to this day.


                 This first phase of e-commerce start-ups in Africa caused many to question the viability of e-commerce in Africa, but improving market conditions, the necessity for e-commerce, and the huge potential market size made up of a large population of people under forty years of age, led many to keep trying with hopes of attaining some level of success.

      When Amazon came in 2017, it seemed like a validation of sorts. The e-commerce giant expanded into the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region by acquiring Souq, a leading MENA e-commerce company, for $580 million.

Ever since this happened, Amazon has increased its presence in Africa with the commencement of its sub-Saharan Africa fulfillment center being built in Cape Town, South Africa, and a possibility of more acquisitions into black Africa with a likely expansion into Nigeria by 2023, being the largest market in Africa in the immediate future.

The next noteworthy activity came two years later, in 2019 when Jumia was listed on the New York Stock Exchange. This move was seen as validation for African companies and the e-commerce sector. This validation is also evident in the growth of e-commerce users on the continent.

More recently, we’ve seen a third wave of e-commerce startups that are digitizing offline commerce for restaurants and mom-and-pop shops, Students dropshipping, by providing them with tools to enable them to come online and do more. Startups such as Orda, Kippa, and Sabi are providing e-commerce enablement tools.


      The growth of e-commerce users in Africa over the years is due to a number of factors.

 1.The increase in payment services 2.Penetration of the internet in the continent 3.The proliferation of cheap smartphones.

          There are now more than 400 million internet users in Africa, compared to over 100 million users at the end of 2010. This makes Africa the second largest internet user population on the planet, just after China.

The increase in internet users, which has largely been driven by a rise in smartphone penetration and a reduction in data plans by telcos and internet service providers, implies that more members of Africa’s middle class can access e-commerce platforms.



Over the years, there has been a surge in customer confidence in e-commerce due to an increasingly successful online purchasing experience, despite a few cases of fraud. The availability of more online payment options with fewer failed transactions has also contributed to the increase in consumer trust.

Logistics players such as Gokada, with more than 2,000 bikes being used as of 2020; Safeboda, with over 10,000 riders in Ibadan; as well as the ride-hailing giants Uber and Bolt, with a network of hundreds of thousands of drivers in Africa, are making it easier for business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce players to conduct last-mile deliveries. It’s worth noting the contributions of other logistics players such as Tibikes Express, Tollgate Logistics, GiG, ACE (Perseus Limited), Skye net, Speedaf, and Fez.

Business-to-business (B2B) players such as Trade Depot, which serve 100,000 merchants across Africa, and Wasoko, which has delivered 2.5 million orders to more than 50,000 active retail customers (mostly informal retailers) in its network since 2016, are attacking the logistics challenge head-on.



  Interestingly,diseases have also been pivotal to e-commerce’s uptake in the continent.

Over the past decade, outbreaks of diseases have necessitated an improvement in hygiene, as well as how important online shopping is. Jumia experienced massive growth as a result of the Ebola outbreak in 2014; the same happened in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. This was primarily due to the demand for hygiene products and groceries, as well as a need to avoid physical clusters.(Social distancing).

In April 2020, during the global lockdowns, Flutterwave launched the Flutterwave store, its own e-commerce solution for African businesses. Six months later, Interswitch’s Quickteller was next with a Quickteller Storefront digital shop and payment solution for merchants. By December of that year, Paystack finally joined with Paystack Storefront, its own e-commerce solution that also allowed merchants to own digital stores and accept payments.

Granted, sudden spikes cannot be interpreted as a recipe for long-term sustainability, but they’re a pointer to what’s possible, and a resurgence of e-commerce in Africa is imminent.

Africa’s growing middle-class population — 313 million people (approximately 34% of the continent’s population) — and the steady growth of private consumption (3.7% per year) are making e-commerce appealing.


         The advancement of technology, with huge access to funding by startups on the continent, and economies of scale enjoyed by manufacturers which have led to the reduction in the price of items such as smartphones, will continue to make access to e-commerce a game changer.

As of the end of 2022, the e-commerce share of global retail sales is expected to be 21%, growing to 25% by 2025. For Africa, the e-commerce industry is estimated to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 24.7% between 2017 and 2024 according to Statista. The e-commerce users in Africa are expected to grow to 338 million users in 2022 and 519 million users by 2025.

This rise in e-commerce sales and users will only continue as e-commerce is the key growth engine for retail.


         Finally,E-commerce evolutionalized,from the era where majority of the African population saw it as a medium for fraudsters to extort individuals,to the era where very few individual were willing to partake in it's process,then the this era where almost all purchases could be made online .         

        E-commerce is obviously breaking new grounds in Africa as the continent is speedily growing in it's technological advancement and other factors which have already been earlier outlined.

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Mar 18, 2024

Chikeka Chidinma

Dear Brandies,

Hey, my fellow global brand owners! I hope you're doing fantastic and feeling all charged up to take on this week with a positive attitude and a can-do spirit!

I know Mondays can be tough, but let's not let that get in the way of achieving our brand goals. 

This week, let's challenge ourselves to do the impossible for our brands and push beyond our limits. Remember, you are capable of great things!

If you're looking for a way to connect with your audience on a deeper level, why not try creating user-generated content? This can be a great way to foster engagement and build trust with your audience, while also gaining valuable insights into what they care about most.

So go ahead and give it your all this week, and let's make some serious progress towards our brand goals. 

Wishing you all a productive and blessed week ahead!

Best regards,


Mar 18, 2024

Lilian Larry

In a world grappling with feeding a growing population and climate change, agro-tech startups offer hope, using technology to transform farming globally.

Driven by passion for sustainability, GreenTech Farms in Seattle optimizes crop yields with AI and data analytics, empowering farmers worldwide.

From Fresno to Lagos, startups like Farm Tech Solutions and Farmcrowdy bring innovation to farmers' doorsteps, revolutionizing agriculture.

Agro-tech isn't just about technology; it's about people like Maria in Kenya, whose income soared with FarmConnect, securing her family's future.

Drones and robotic harvesters are the silent guardians of our food system, ensuring no crop goes unmonitored.

Companies like EcoGrow and AgriSolar promote regenerative farming, honoring the land for future generations.

Investment in agro-tech reflects belief in innovation and human resilience, shaping a future where abundance flourishes for all.

As we embark on this journey, let's remember the human faces behind the technology—the dreamers, innovators, and farmers—who sow the seeds of progress for a brighter tomorrow.

For more insights, visit: [Agro-tech Startups and Innovation](https://medium.com/@larrylilian/agro-tech-startups-and-innovation-2acd8f0ae2c3)



Feb 29, 2024

Emile Munyangabe

Welcome to WazoPlus 👋🏾 Your Africa's Tailor-made Professional Social Platform.

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How to Survive the Present Economy Challenges

Economically, the chances of survival are very low compared to before when the price of things was normal.


So to survive the present challenges, you have to do these things:

• Plan yourself ahead of time: With the rapid increase in the prices of goods and services, planning yourself on the way to spend your money is very important. For example, planning how to carry out your spending as a person will help you a lot.

• Have an order of priority: Spend money on things based on your pressing needs. Weigh your needs from top to bottom, and give interest to the ones you can't do without. This will help you to avoid spending money unnecessarily.

• Have a budget: Based on the amount of money you have at hand, write a list of what you want daily, weekly or, sub-weekly and allocate money to each of them. Then, spend the money in line with the prices on the list to avoid unnecessary spending.

• Save up: Learn to save even if you don't have much. Bringing out a certain amount of money for saving will save you every time, most especially when you are in dire need of money in the future. There are many ways to save money (local or modern means). If you always find it very difficult to save, source for legit banking apps that would allow and remind you to save the little or more you have.

• Increase your earnings: If you've always been earning lower before the drastic rise, look out for means of increasing your income. As the prices of commodities rise, your income too should rise. Strive diligently to increase your earnings.

You can always seek professional help on saving. Always review your progress as time goes on to see the areas where you will improve. This will help you to keep track of your spending and how to manage your life as an individual. Ensure that you show up to your line of duty and save more.

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Ishimwe Deborah

Hey Buddies! đź‘‹

Ever wondered about the buzz around cryptography but found it a bit like decoding a secret language? Fear not, because today's content is your friendly guide to understanding "cryptography!"

Swipe below 👇

For detailed study check out this link: https://open.substack.com/pub/womeninblockchainafrica/p/what-is-cryptography?r=271tze&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

🔓 A friendly reminder to Signup for our blockchain tour; if you're yet to.


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wapmastazone Tech Ingenuity

The Art of Writing Blog Post For SEO

How do you write a blog post for SEO? blogging allows you to reach different users across the world. However, the sheer volume of content on the web means that your blog post can easily get lost in the noise. This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is useful.

SEO is the practice of optimizing your content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). When done right, it can drive organic (non-paid) traffic to your blog, increase your visibility, and ultimately help you achieve your blogging goals.

Also read: 13 Key Indications that your SEO Strategy is Successful

The Basics of SEO

Before I go into the details of writing SEO-friendly blog posts, I will walk you through some of the fundamental concepts of SEO. SEO can be categorized into different types: on-page SEO, off-page SEO, technical SEO, and local SEO.

1. On-Page SEO:

This refers to the optimization you do directly on your blog post or webpage. It includes elements like keyword usage, content quality, headings, meta tags, and internal linking.

2. Off-Page SEO:

This involves optimizing factors that are external to your blog post, such as backlinks from other websites, social signals, and

Performance Marketing Tips for African Startups

Startups in Africa are growing daily, and to survive the heavy competition, you might want to try a different approach to marketing strategy, known as performance marketing.

Performance marketing focuses on measurable outcomes and the impact of marketing efforts on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as customer acquisition, conversion rates, and revenue generation.

Unlike traditional marketing approaches, which emphasize brand awareness and visibility, performance marketing is inherently data-driven, enabling you to optimize your campaigns and allocate resources more effectively.

In this article, I will explain in detail what performance marketing is all about and how to mine the treasure in it.

Key Performance Marketing Channels for African Startups

1 . Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

What are SEM AND SEO?

SEM (search engine marketing) involves paid strategies to increase a website's visibility in search engine results, using methods like paid advertising.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) focuses on organic, non-paid methods to enhance a website's visibility in search engine results, improving its ranking through content and technical optimizations.

  • With most consumers turning to search engines to discover products and services, startups can harness the power of SEM and SEO to enhance their online visibility.
  • By targeting relevant keywords and optimizing website content, African startups can improve their organic search rankings and drive qualified traffic to their digital properties.

2. Social media advertising.

Social media advertising is the use of paid promotional content on social platforms to reach a specific audience. It involves creating and targeting

Growth Marketing vs Performance Marketing

Marketing, in its myriad forms, has always been the lifeblood of business development and sustainability.

However, as the digital age continues to metamorphose how consumers interact with brands, the strategies that businesses employ to capture attention, build relationships, and drive sales have also evolved.

Two of such strategic paradigms that have grown in popularity are growth marketing and performance marketing.

marketing and performance marketing is all about.

Defining Growth Marketing and Performance Marketing

Before delving into the nuances separating growth marketing from performance marketing, it’s crucial to understand what each term embodies.

Growth marketing is an integrated approach that focuses on expanding a company’s customer base and increasing its revenue by experimenting with a variety of channels and strategies.

It not only aims to attract new customers but also to activate, retain, and ultimately turn them into champions of the brand, fostering organic growth.

Growth marketers are data-driven, yet they equally prioritize creativity and customer experience throughout the funnel stages.

Performance marketing, on the other hand, is directly tied to specific actions and results.

It’s a blanket term that covers online marketing and advertising programs where advertisers pay only when a specific action such as a click, sale, or lead is completed.

Performance marketing is highly metrics-oriented, focusing on quantifiable results that can be tied back to specific marketing efforts and campaigns.

The Philosophical Distinctions

Beyond definitions, understanding the philosophical differences between growth marketing and performance marketing is essential.

Growth marketing views the user’s journey as a cohesive na
