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Fastest Growing Business Industries in Africa
Content writer,I am a tech enthusiates,ever learning and growing my knowledge.  Apr 26, 2023
Fastest Growing Business Industries in Africa

Fastest Growing Businesses Industries In Africa

      Africa is the second-fastest-growing and most lucrative payments and banking sector in the world, only behind Latin America.Over 500 financial technology companies are based on the continent, with the majority in Nigeria, South Africa, and Kenya.

     Africa is gaining grounds in the business world, through some major industries which are fast rising and making waves in different African countries.

   These industries include the following industries as outline in this article,but are not limited to these, because there are still so many other industries,springing up from different African countries,and they are gainnig grounds and dominating the business world.


Agri-tech is the use of technology for farming that is developed to improve efficiency and profitability. While most commonly used in horticulture and agriculture, agri-tech is also found in forestry, aquaculture and viticulture.


The food industry is one of the sectors on the continent with an increasing growth percentage, with many investors profiting from its resources. Business Standard reports that the food industry in Africa saw growth of 3.6% in 2020–21 and 3.9% in 2021–22.

The demand for packaged and processed meals is skyrocketing, and there is a significant increase in the consumption of frozen and dairy products. Other growth-related causes include the expansion and innovation of the food and beverage industry.

E-Commerce Business

Ecommerce is a method of buying and selling goods and services online. The definition of ecommerce business can also include tactics like affiliate marketing. You can use ecommerce channels such as your own website, an established selling website like Amazon, or social media to drive online sales.


    African businesses in e-commerce are expanding quickly as a result of innovation and technological advancement. Businesses in this sector enable the online trade of products and services between people and companies.

Africa’s real estate market worth is anticipated to reach USD 180 billion by 2025, according to Vanguard Newspaper. The report also revealed that funding for African eCommerce projects reached over USD 256 million in 2021, an increase of 40% from 2020.

Africa Business Communities said that by 2025, the e-commerce sector is anticipated to produce USD 46.1 billion in annual sales.

Logistics Business

     Logistics companies help their clients move goods from one place to another. Some cover the entire journey from pick-up to delivery to the end-user, while others help with part of the process—such as transportation, warehousing, packaging, shipping, or even disposal.

    In many African nations, the logistics industry is profitable and growing at a quick pace. No matter where they operate—in Mauritius, South Africa, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, or Nigeria—entrepreneurs reap huge financial benefits.

Africa’s logistics market, according to Market Watch, increased from millions to multi-million dollars between 2017 and 2022. According to Sawya reports, the Suez Canal in Egypt brought in USD 704 million in revenue in July 2022, an increase from the USD 531.8 million reported in July 2021.

With the rise of delivery companies collaborating with both traditional and online merchants, the industry is successful in many African countries.

Real Estate Business


   Real estate is defined as the land and any permanent structures, like a home, or improvements attached to the land, whether natural or man-made.

Real estate is a form of real property. It differs from personal property, which is not permanently attached to the land, such as vehicles, boats, jewelry, furniture, and farm equipment.

    Due to Africa’s substantial population, there is a considerable demand for both commercial and residential real estate. The Nigerian real estate market expanded by 1.77% in 2021 and 10.84% in the first quarter of 2022, according to Nairametrics. USD 10 billion, or an 8% increase, was generated by the Egyptian real estate industry in 2021.

Nairametrics projects that Egypt’s real estate market would rise by 6.5% in 2022. Kenya’s real estate market increased by 5.2% in the third quarter of 2021, and 5.9% growth is anticipated in 2022. African entrepreneurs profit by leasing, purchasing, and renting out commercial and residential properties, making the real estate industry one of the most lucrative in the continent.

        Conclusively,any Aspirant of business in Africa can grow and build on any of this industries and expand because of the growing pace of these industries in the African continent.

      Africa has produced a lot of prominent business icons in the business world through these industries and still expanding it's impact through the help of these sky rocketing business adventures.

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Hell Wazoplus  beautiful readers and creators. I hope you're all doing well. I was curious to know if any of you still use Netflix. I know that some of you may have more financial resources, but for those who use Dropbox, have you had a chance to watch "The Gentlemen"? My sprinkles that's a great show, The production quality of the TV show is truly remarkable, rivaling that of a film. The show boasts impeccable clarity, attention to detail, and expertly crafted camera work. The acting is also superb, and the show does not contain any hidden messaging. While it is not technically the first season, it serves as a strong introduction to the characters and plot. It is a welcome addition to the film universe it is connected to, and I hope to see more characters from that world make an appearance in future episodes. It's great to see a show that stands out from the crowd and offers a breath of fresh air from the subpar content we've been bombarded with on streaming services lately. It's nice to know that there are still some quality shows out there that we can enjoy. like Shogun, represent a potential turning point for the industry. It is my hope that more high-quality, community-supported content will be produced, and that we can move away from the trend of heavy-handed messaging that has dominated the industry as of late. It is truly gratifying to see the industry treat its audience with respect and produce shows that can be appreciated on their own merits, without resorting to labeling viewers as "ists" or "phobias" based on their opinions of the show. I hope you get to enjoy it đź’• and have a productive week ahead🌀

Mar 18, 2024

Chikeka Chidinma

Dear Brandies,

Hey, my fellow global brand owners! I hope you're doing fantastic and feeling all charged up to take on this week with a positive attitude and a can-do spirit!

I know Mondays can be tough, but let's not let that get in the way of achieving our brand goals. 

This week, let's challenge ourselves to do the impossible for our brands and push beyond our limits. Remember, you are capable of great things!

If you're looking for a way to connect with your audience on a deeper level, why not try creating user-generated content? This can be a great way to foster engagement and build trust with your audience, while also gaining valuable insights into what they care about most.

So go ahead and give it your all this week, and let's make some serious progress towards our brand goals. 

Wishing you all a productive and blessed week ahead!

Best regards,


Mar 18, 2024

Emile Munyangabe

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Feb 26, 2024

wapmastazone Tech Ingenuity

The Art of Writing Blog Post For SEO

How do you write a blog post for SEO? blogging allows you to reach different users across the world. However, the sheer volume of content on the web means that your blog post can easily get lost in the noise. This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is useful.

SEO is the practice of optimizing your content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). When done right, it can drive organic (non-paid) traffic to your blog, increase your visibility, and ultimately help you achieve your blogging goals.

Also read: 13 Key Indications that your SEO Strategy is Successful

The Basics of SEO

Before I go into the details of writing SEO-friendly blog posts, I will walk you through some of the fundamental concepts of SEO. SEO can be categorized into different types: on-page SEO, off-page SEO, technical SEO, and local SEO.

1. On-Page SEO:

This refers to the optimization you do directly on your blog post or webpage. It includes elements like keyword usage, content quality, headings, meta tags, and internal linking.

2. Off-Page SEO:

This involves optimizing factors that are external to your blog post, such as backlinks from other websites, social signals, and

In January 2024, Jumia, a leading African e-commerce platform, initiated layoffs in Kenya and other African markets. This move followed the company's exit from its food delivery venture, Jumia Food, a month prior. The exact number of employees impacted by this decision remains undisclosed.

An anonymous Jumia employee voiced their concerns on Glassdoor, stating that while the layoffs were announced, no specifics were given regarding who would be affected.

This round of layoffs follows a previous downsizing in 2023, where Jumia let go of 900 employees in a bid to reduce costs and steer the company towards profitability. Some employees were reassigned within the company, as reported by TechCabal.

Jumia, in an email to TechCabal, explained that the layoffs were part of a strategic refocus on activities and projects that support their path to profitability. The company remains optimistic about the future of e-commerce in Kenya and Africa.

In 2023, Jumia began phasing out its food delivery business, ceasing operations in Ghana, Senegal, and Egypt. By the end of the year, the company had completely exited the business, citing unsustainable competition with more aggressive players.

Under the stewardship of Francis Dufay, Jumia has prioritized cost discipline and operational cost reduction. The company's Q4 2023 report revealed a decrease in operational losses to $4.5 million for the quarter, along with a reduction in advertising expenses. Despite challenges such as inflation and currency devaluation in key markets, Jumia remains hopeful that cost discipline and positive trends in other markets will lead to profitability.

Performance Marketing Tips for African Startups

Startups in Africa are growing daily, and to survive the heavy competition, you might want to try a different approach to marketing strategy, known as performance marketing.

Performance marketing focuses on measurable outcomes and the impact of marketing efforts on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as customer acquisition, conversion rates, and revenue generation.

Unlike traditional marketing approaches, which emphasize brand awareness and visibility, performance marketing is inherently data-driven, enabling you to optimize your campaigns and allocate resources more effectively.

In this article, I will explain in detail what performance marketing is all about and how to mine the treasure in it.

Key Performance Marketing Channels for African Startups

1 . Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

What are SEM AND SEO?

SEM (search engine marketing) involves paid strategies to increase a website's visibility in search engine results, using methods like paid advertising.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) focuses on organic, non-paid methods to enhance a website's visibility in search engine results, improving its ranking through content and technical optimizations.

  • With most consumers turning to search engines to discover products and services, startups can harness the power of SEM and SEO to enhance their online visibility.
  • By targeting relevant keywords and optimizing website content, African startups can improve their organic search rankings and drive qualified traffic to their digital properties.

2. Social media advertising.

Social media advertising is the use of paid promotional content on social platforms to reach a specific audience. It involves creating and targeting

Growth Marketing vs Performance Marketing

Marketing, in its myriad forms, has always been the lifeblood of business development and sustainability.

However, as the digital age continues to metamorphose how consumers interact with brands, the strategies that businesses employ to capture attention, build relationships, and drive sales have also evolved.

Two of such strategic paradigms that have grown in popularity are growth marketing and performance marketing.

marketing and performance marketing is all about.

Defining Growth Marketing and Performance Marketing

Before delving into the nuances separating growth marketing from performance marketing, it’s crucial to understand what each term embodies.

Growth marketing is an integrated approach that focuses on expanding a company’s customer base and increasing its revenue by experimenting with a variety of channels and strategies.

It not only aims to attract new customers but also to activate, retain, and ultimately turn them into champions of the brand, fostering organic growth.

Growth marketers are data-driven, yet they equally prioritize creativity and customer experience throughout the funnel stages.

Performance marketing, on the other hand, is directly tied to specific actions and results.

It’s a blanket term that covers online marketing and advertising programs where advertisers pay only when a specific action such as a click, sale, or lead is completed.

Performance marketing is highly metrics-oriented, focusing on quantifiable results that can be tied back to specific marketing efforts and campaigns.

The Philosophical Distinctions

Beyond definitions, understanding the philosophical differences between growth marketing and performance marketing is essential.

Growth marketing views the user’s journey as a cohesive na

The crucial role of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the economic growth and development of Nigeria cannot be overemphasized. They contribute significantly to job creation, poverty reduction, and overall socio-economic advancement. 

However, one of the major challenges faced by SMEs in Nigeria is the efficient management of their supply chains and logistics operations aside from their inadequate capital. Small and Medium Enterprises are basically businesses with small scales of operation, hence always challenged by inadequate capital for their business. By Nigerian definition, Small and Medium enterprises are basically businesses with up to 250 employees. Small enterprise has 10-49 employees while Medium enterprises have 50-249 employees. 

In this article, we will delve into the vital role that logistics plays in empowering SMEs in Nigeria and explore various ways to enhance their logistics capabilities.

What’s Logistics in Business? 

This simply refers to the coordination and movement of products from point A (origin/point of sale) to point B (consumption) in order to meet customers’ needs. This implies that efficient and effective logistics is paramount to the success of any SMEs since they need to package and deliver their products to their customers in a less expensive manner, stress-free, fast, and in good conditions to their customers by leveraging on good logistics service providers. 

The Roles of Logistics in Empowering SMEs in Nigeria

The following are the several ways in which delivery service providers assist small businesses in reaching their goals;

1. Enhancing Market Access:

Logistics companies play a pivotal role in enabling SMEs to access new markets and expand their customer base. Efficient transportation, distribution, and warehousing systems are essential for SMEs to reach both domestic and international markets. With efficient logistics companies such as the likes of Kwik Piks, SMEs can rest assured that their products will be delivered efficiently to their customers not minding their locations or time time-frames of expected deliveries. This connects SMEs to regional and global supply chains, enabling them to compete on a larger scale.

2. Cost Reduction:

Effective logistics management can significantly reduce operational costs for SMEs. By optimizing transportation routes, adopting efficient inventory management systems, and implementing lean logistics practices, SMEs can minimize wastage, improve productivity, and achieve cost savings. This, in turn, allows them to allocate resources to other critical business areas such as product development, marketing, and talent acquisition.

3. Supply Chain Integration:

Logistics serves as a crucial link in integrating various components of the supply chain for SMEs. It involves the coordination of suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers, ensuring seamless flow and timely delivery of goods and services. By streamlining supply chain processes, SMEs can reduce lead times, improve customer satisfaction, and enhance overall business performance.

4. Enhancing Competitive Advantage:

Efficient logistics operations can provide SMEs with a competitive edge in the market. By delivering products promptly, maintaining inventory accuracy, and offering reliable after-sales services, SMEs can build a reputation for reliability and customer satisfaction. Such a positive brand image not only attracts new customers but also fosters customer loyalty, allowing SMEs to compete with larger enterprises.

5. E-commerce and Last-Mile Delivery:

The rise of e-commerce has opened up new opportunities for SMEs in Nigeria. However, the success of online businesses heavily relies on efficient last-mile delivery logistics. By partnering with logistics service providers or adopting in-house delivery networks, SMEs can ensure prompt and reliable delivery of products to their customer's doorsteps. This strengthens customer trust, boosts sales, and enables SMEs to tap into the growing e-commerce market.


Logistics plays a pivotal role in empowering small and medium enterprises in Nigeria.

This is with the now existence of several top-notch third-party logistics companies such as Kwik Pik. They basically take away the stress of packaging and delivering of SMEs products to their client with a web3-based app where customers can track their packages, have different modes of transportation to choose from, arrays of payment options to choose and assurance of the safety of their package till arrival. 

This enables SMEs to enhance their market access, reduce costs, enhance their competitive advantages, and be rest assured of the last-mile delivery of their products to their customers thereby enabling them to focus on other core goals of their enterprise growth and development.

Download Kwik Pik apps on Google Play and App Store here for a seamless last-mile delivery service for your enterprise as an SME. 

Jul 15, 2023