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Content Writer|| Mental Health Awareness Writer|| Mental Health Counselor  Mar 2, 2024

Our Emotions have a significant power over our choices and actions,

and we can either become a master or salve to them.

Managing our emotions helps us make decisions, big or small.

Understanding our emotions allows us to become conscious of triggers, so we can accumulate insight into how to respond constructively.

What do we think emotions are?

Emotions are conscious mental reactions (such as anger or fear), 

subjectively experienced as strong feelings usually directed towards a 

specific object, and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body.

There are 27 categories of emotions,  and we have the main types of emotions ( joy, fear, sadness, disgust, and anger).

These main types of emotions show up in our everyday lives.

We can manage and control our emotions as it is important in making decisions and also solving critical issues.

We can control our emotions by:

✅ Identifying what we are feeling

✅ Self-care

✅ Maintaining healthy relationships

✅ Practicing mindfulness

✅ Accepting our Positive and Negative Emotions

✅ Practicing Optimism and Laughing

✅ Positive Self-talk

✅ Taking a deep breath

✅ knowing how to respond to our emotions

✅ Giving ourselves some space.

Not to Mince Words,

Emotions are hard, but that’s what makes you strong!!

Those who think emotional people are weak should know, that the same emotion gives strength.

Each time someone tries to break you, unknowingly, they make you stronger.

You own your thoughts. . No one has the right any of you without your permission.

You will never cross an emotional bridge if you keep rushing back to the other side.

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Windy Mpamo

An overthinker is someone who tends to dwell on their thoughts and worries to an unhealthy degree. Because they are constantly second-guessing themselves and considering all possible outcomes, they may struggle to make decisions or take action.

If you  happen to have difficulty in this area, here are some healthy factors to help you overcome it: 



1. The problem is rarely the problem

You and your thoughts are responsible for 99% of the damage.
in reality, what actually happens, and the outcome are responsible for 1% of the harm.
Most of the time, the problem isn't the problem. It is the way you approach the problem.

You mght have no control over what happens around you, but you certainly do have control over how you react to it.

2. Avoid Self-rejection

Do you believe you are unworthy of such an opportunity? In any case, apply for it.
Do you believe your article is inadequate? Regardless, publish it.
Do you believe they will not respond to your e  mail? Send it nevertheless.

Never rationalize yourself into self-rejection.

3. Silence and time

The truth is that most problems can be solved with less thought rather than more.
The majority of the answers you seek can be found in isolation, leisure, and with a clear mind.

Don't try to solve a problem if you can't solve it.

4. An important question

When you begin to blame yourself for past mistakes or picture danger lurking around every corner, ask yourself:

"Is there anything I can do right now to change the past or influence the future in a positive way?"
Take action if the answer is affirmative.
If the answer is no, accept it and let it go.

You must either act or let it go; anything else is self-harm.

5. The power of now

You will not overthink your way to a brighter future.
You're not going to reason your way out of a bad situation.
Because tomorrow is not guaranteed, all you have is right now. 
And what you do NOW can make your past right and your future better.
Make peace with yesterday, let go of tomorrow, and seize the now.

live in the moment, focus on the now.

6. Fact check your own thoughts

In your mind, your ideas will construct scenarios that represent your insecurities, concerns, and worries.
As a result, it's critical to always double-check your own ideas before accepting them, because in highly emotional situations, your mind will tell you lies.

Fact check yourself.

7. Acceptance is peace

No amount of worry can affect your future, and no amount of regret can change your past.
Acceptance leads to peace:
-Accept your flaws.
-Accept the unknown.
-Accept the inexorable.
You don't have to understand, tolerate, or even forget anything, but you must accept it if you desire serenity.

Practice mindfulness.

8. Health starts in your mind

You can go to the gym, eat healthily, practice yoga, drink water, and take supplements, but you will never be genuinely 'healthy!' unless you tackle the negativity in your thinking.
our health is not assessed by scales, muscular size, or waist circumference.
The quality of our thoughts and the calm of our mind are indicators of true wellness. Health begins in the mind.

Change your mindset.

All of this is to say that things improve when you allow yourself to believe in yourself, give yourself  a break and have an optimistic attitude.
May 19, 2023

Busola Popoola

Africa is a continent with diverse cultures, languages, and economies, and it has long struggled to provide adequate healthcare to its people. However, with the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), Africa has the opportunity to revolutionize access and quality of healthcare.

AI has the potential to transform healthcare in Africa in multiple ways. Firstly, AI-powered devices can provide more accurate diagnoses, allowing healthcare professionals to prescribe the right treatment and improve health outcomes. For example, AI can analyze medical images, detect abnormalities, and provide a diagnosis within minutes, which is especially crucial in rural areas with limited medical resources.

Secondly, AI can improve access to healthcare services by providing remote consultations and telemedicine. This is particularly important in Africa, where many people live in remote areas without easy access to medical facilities. With AI, patients can consult with healthcare professionals remotely, reducing the need for travel and increasing access to healthcare services.

Thirdly, AI can help healthcare professionals make better decisions about patient care. By analyzing large volumes of medical data, AI can identify patterns and insights that may not be visible to human doctors, leading to more informed decisions and better patient outcomes.

Moreover, AI-powered medical devices can help to increase the efficiency of healthcare delivery. For example, robots can assist in surgeries, freeing up healthcare professionals to focus on other aspects of patient care.

Finally, AI can help to reduce healthcare costs in Africa. By automating routine tasks and improving diagnostic accuracy, AI can help to streamline healthcare delivery and reduce the need for expensive medical interventions.

Overall, the potential of AI in revolutionizing access and quality of healthcare in Africa is enormous. However, it is important to ensure that AI is implemented ethically and with appropriate governance, to ensure that it benefits all Africans, regardless of their socioeconomic status. By embracing the potential of AI, Africa can ensure that all its citizens have access to high-quality healthcare services, regardless of where they live.

In conclusion, AI has the potential to revolutionize access and quality of healthcare in Africa. By providing accurate diagnoses, improving access to healthcare services, helping healthcare professionals make better decisions, increasing efficiency, and reducing costs, AI can transform healthcare delivery in Africa. However, it is crucial to ensure that AI is implemented ethically and with appropriate governance, to ensure that it benefits all Africans, especially those living in remote areas with limited medical resources. By embracing the potential of AI in healthcare, Africa can improve the health outcomes of its people and make progress towards achieving universal healthcare coverage.

Apr 5, 2023

sandra mushambokazi

Ghana is known for its rich cultural heritage, vibrant music, and colourful festivals. But did you know that it is also leading the way in transforming healthcare through telemedicine?

Telemedicine, which involves using technology to deliver medical services remotely, is expanding access to healthcare in remote areas where traditional medical care is often limited. In Ghana, telemedicine is making a real difference in the lives of many people.

In the past, patients in remote areas had to travel long distances to receive medical care. This was often difficult, time-consuming, and expensive. But with telemedicine, patients can now consult with doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals without leaving their homes.

Telemedicine services in Ghana are provided through a combination of mobile health clinics, remote consultations, and online platforms. These services allow patients to receive medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment from medical professionals who are located miles away.

One of the most popular telemedicine services in Ghana is the "telehealth van." These mobile clinics travel to remote areas, bringing medical care to people who would otherwise have to travel long distances to see a doctor. The vans are equipped with medical equipment, such as blood pressure monitors and EKG machines, as well as video conferencing technology that allows patients to speak with medical professionals remotely.

To the mobile clinics, telemedicine services in Ghana also include remote consultations. Patients can connect with doctors and nurses through phone calls, video chats, or text messages. These remote consultations are especially helpful for patients who have chronic conditions or who need regular check-ups but cannot travel to see a doctor.

Telemedicine is also making a difference in maternal and child health. Pregnant women in remote areas can receive prenatal care through telemedicine services, reducing the risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth. New mothers can also receive postpartum care through remote consultations, ensuring that both mother and child are healthy and well cared for.

Telemedicine in Ghana is made possible through collaborations between medical professionals and technology companies. These partnerships are helping to expand access to healthcare, especially in underserved areas. They are also creating new opportunities for entrepreneurs who are developing innovative healthcare solutions.

In conclusion, telemedicine is transforming healthcare in Ghana, making medical services more accessible and affordable to people in remote areas. As technology continues to evolve, it is exciting to see how telemedicine will continue to improve healthcare in Ghana and other parts of Africa.

Apr 4, 2023

Sakeenah Mansuur

What is Healthcare Technology?

Health technology is defined by the World Health Organization as the "application of organized knowledge and skills in the form of devices, medicines, vaccines, procedures, and systems developed to solve a health problem and improve quality of lives". This includes pharmaceuticals, devices, procedures, and organizational systems used in the healthcare industry, as well as computer-supported information systems. In the United States, these technologies involve standardized physical objects, as well as traditional and designed social means and methods to treat or care for patients.

Healthcare technology is any technology, including medical devices, IT systems, algorithms, artificial intelligence (AI), cloud and blockchain, designed to support healthcare organizations. To begin, IT enables health practitioners to store and retrieve data relating to a patient's health records. It also enhances the communication of patient information through a legible format that anyone can use. As a result, it reduces the chance of medication errors. It makes it easier to retrieve patient information through a database without new health checks. All the above technologies in healthcare have a thing in common; they improve health and patient safety.
      However, Healthcare Technology is a very important and has lots of advantages, it is makes work less stressful. These are few examples of smart technology in healthcare.
- Biosensors.
- Smart thermometers.
- Connected inhalers.
- Smart watches.
- Fitness trackers (FitBits)
- ECG monitors.
- Blood pressure monitors.
Smart technology in healthcare is changing the game in more ways than one. With more monitoring treatment options available to more people, physicians can use data, AI, and other innovative new tools to make a more proactive, data-driven approach to healthcare.

Feb 16, 2023

Ruth Elegha

Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry by creating a secure and transparent method for storing and sharing patient data. Blockchain enables healthcare providers to access and share patient data in real time, improving care coordination and reducing administrative costs. Patients can also exercise more control over the disclosure of their personal health information, limiting it to those healthcare workers who truly need to know.

Making tamper-proof records of medical transactions is one of the biggest benefits of using blockchain technology in healthcare. This comprises prescriptions, test outcomes, and medical background.

Healthcare providers can better understand a patient's health and provide care if they have a secure, permanent record of that patient's health information. Additionally, errors brought on by omitted or insufficient data can be avoided by having a blockchain-based record of a patient's medical history.

Another advantage of using blockchain technology in the healthcare sector is that patients will have more control over their personal health information. With blockchain, patients can share their health information with healthcare providers on a need-to-know basis. 

Patients now have more control over their data, which also contributes to privacy protection. Additionally, patients have access to their medical records, which can aid in their decision-making regarding their care and help them better understand their health.

Blockchain technology adoption has already started in several healthcare organizations. For example, the Biomedical Research Alliance of New York has developed a blockchain-based platform for sharing research data. 

IBM and the US Food and Drug Administration have also teamed up to investigate using blockchain for pharmaceutical tracking and tracing. Additionally, some startups are developing decentralized platforms for electronic health records (EHRs) and medical data sharing using blockchain technology.

Drawbacks of Blockchain Adoption in Healthcare

Despite its potential, there are still many obstacles to overcome before blockchain technology is widely used in the healthcare industry. The lack of standardization and interoperability between various blockchain systems is one of the biggest problems.

Additionally, the technology is still relatively new and untested in the healthcare industry, which may make some organizations hesitant to adopt it. Furthermore, blockchain is a highly complex technology that requires skilled professionals to implement, which is a barrier for some healthcare organizations.


In conclusion, blockchain technology has the potential to improve the efficiency and security of healthcare data management. By creating tamper-proof records of medical transactions and giving patients greater control over their personal health information, blockchain can enhance the overall quality of healthcare. 

However, more work needs to be done to overcome the challenges and fully realize its potential in healthcare. This includes standardizing the technology and providing more education and training to healthcare professionals on how to use blockchain. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, we will likely see more healthcare organizations adopt it in the future.

Jan 29, 2023