Joy itoro Michael

Joy itoro Michael


Content Writer|| Mental Health Awareness Writer|| Mental Health Counselor

Joined February 2024

Eket, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria



Aug 29, 2024
10 Essential Items for Your First Trek: A Beginner's Checklist Heading out on your first trek? Here’s a quick list of must-have gear to keep you safe and comfortable: 1. Hiking boots: Get a good pair of waterproof, comfortable hiking boots with proper ankle support to handle uneven terrain and protect your feet. 2. Backpack: Look for one with padded shoulder straps and a waist belt for added comfort. 3. Layered Clothing: Bring moisture-wicking, insulating, and waterproof layers. Layering helps regulate body temperature as conditions change. 4. Navigation Tools: Always carry a map, compass, or GPS. These tools can help you in case of an emergency. 5. Hydration System: Pack a water bottle or hydration bladder, plus a filter. Consider a portable water filter or purification tablets for longer treks. 6. First Aid Kit: Include basics like bandages, antiseptic wipes, blister treatment, and any personal medications is a must. 7. Snacks and Nutrition: pack high-energy  snacks like nuts and energy bars to keep your energy levels up throughout the trek. 8.  Trekking Poles: Useful for stability and reducing strain. 9. Headlamp or Flashlights: For early starts, late finishes, or emergencies. Make sure to carry spare batteries. 10. Emergency Supplies: A whistle, multi-tool, and space blanket can be lifesavers. With the following tools above, you are 100% ready to have an unforgettable trekking experience! Pack wisely, and enjoy your adventure!


Jul 19, 2024
FUN FACTS ABOUT GOLDEN MONKEYS Yes, Golden Monkeys! This might be your first of knowing that Golden Monkeys exist but here are some facts that will help you know more about this mesmerizing creature! Golden monkeys are among the most striking and fascinating primates in the world, known for their vibrant golden-orange fur and lively social behaviors. Found primarily in the mountainous forests of the Virunga Volcanoes, which transit Rwanda, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, these unique monkeys captivate the hearts of wildlife lovers and researchers. Living in large, dynamic groups, golden monkeys display a fascinating array of behaviors and adaptations that make them a vital and enchanting part of their ecosystem. Let's explore some fun facts about these colorful and agile creatures 1. Unique Fur Color:  Golden monkeys have striking golden-orange fur on their backs, contrasting with their blue faces and limbs, setting them apart from other primates. 2.  Bamboo Lovers:  They primarily eat bamboo, but their diet also includes fruits, leaves, and insects. 3. Playful Nature:  Golden monkeys are excellent climbers and can often be seen leaping between bamboo stalks. 4. Endemic Species:  They are found only in the mountainous forests of the Virunga range in Rwanda, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. 5. Social Creatures:  These Monkeys live in large social groups, sometimes numbering over 100 individuals, and exhibit complex behaviors. If you want to have the best Wild Life Adventure, then you have to Visit the Gorilla Expedition Safari Company, Rwanda, and learn more about Primates, Mammals, Birds, Amphibians, insects, etc.


Jul 6, 2024
Apart from the fun you get taking a Safari, do you know that it also has mental health benefits that will lead to productivity? Let’s delve deeper to know how this works! The Safari experience can evoke a deep sense of gratitude for the wonders of nature the Divine. Exploring the wild side of Uganda isn't just about the animals; it's a mental health boost! Safaris in Uganda offers a unique escape into nature, reducing stress and boosting mood. Being in nature and engaging in activities like wildlife viewing and trekking can also increase your physical activity. The fresh air and peaceful surroundings of the safari can also provide a sense of relaxation. Additionally, the opportunity to disconnect from technology and immerse oneself in the natural beauty of Uganda can contribute to overall health and well-being. Immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of the wild, let nature's symphony soothe your mind, and rediscover the joy of being present in the moment. Uganda's safaris are not just journeys; they are transformative experiences that nurture mental well-being and inner peace Ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and serenity? Join us on a Uganda safari adventure and experience the transformative power of nature firsthand. Book your safari now and nurture your mental well-being amidst the beauty of Uganda's wilderness! Take a safari for your mind and soul! Let Nature Be Your Therapist!


Mar 2, 2024
Our Emotions have a significant power over our choices and actions, and we can either become a master or salve to them. Managing our emotions helps us make decisions, big or small. Understanding our emotions allows us to become conscious of triggers, so we can accumulate insight into how to respond constructively. What do we think emotions are? Emotions are conscious mental reactions (such as anger or fear),  subjectively experienced as strong feelings usually directed towards a  specific object, and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body. There are 27 categories of emotions,  and we have the main types of emotions ( joy, fear, sadness, disgust, and anger). These main types of emotions show up in our everyday lives. We can manage and control our emotions as it is important in making decisions and also solving critical issues. We can control our emotions by: ✅ Identifying what we are feeling ✅ Self-care ✅ Maintaining healthy relationships ✅ Practicing mindfulness ✅ Accepting our Positive and Negative Emotions ✅ Practicing Optimism and Laughing ✅ Positive Self-talk ✅ Taking a deep breath ✅ knowing how to respond to our emotions ✅ Giving ourselves some space. Not to Mince Words, Emotions are hard, but that’s what makes you strong!! Those who think emotional people are weak should know, that the same emotion gives strength. Each time someone tries to break you, unknowingly, they make you stronger. You own your thoughts. . No one has the right any of you without your permission. You will never cross an emotional bridge if you keep rushing back to the other side. Do you think this Post Saved the Day? Let’s talk in the comment section😊 Follow me for more!! Instagram: Wazoplus:


Feb 11, 2024
Developing soft skills in education has numerous benefits for students. These skills enhance critical thinking, communication, collaboration,  and problem-solving abilities, Leading to improved academic performance and increased employability. Looking for the Best Community for Digital Skill Enthusiasts in Africa? The CREAITZ Community Creaitz is a registered digital marketing academy that stands out from the crowd. Creaitz is a community that provides various resources and opportunities for digital skills enthusiasts. Whether you would love to learn Content Creation Copy Writing SEO(Search engine Optimization) e.t.c Or Any Digital skill you could think of, the Creaitz Academy is the Best Community to take those courses. So, What are you waiting for? Take a Creaitz course here ➡️ and start learning today #DigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingCourse #LinkedIn #Learning #Creaitz